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发表于 2024-6-28 07:32:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
罗伯特·卡帕手握德国康泰克斯相机 山东台儿庄,1938年
湖北汉口 一名年仅15岁的国军士兵,1938年
被誉为“摄影伟人”的罗伯特•卡帕((Robert Capa,1913—1954)在中国的新闻通行证。中文名贾白。1938年2月27日,经蒋夫人宋美龄下令,由外交部情报司签发。当时他是唯一在中国战区采访的盟军战地记者,此年于山东台儿庄、湖北汉口、广州等地拍摄了大量珍贵照片。出于安全考虑,卡帕没有被允许拍摄战争场面,但还是以他的敏锐,拍摄下了这一时期中国的军人、领袖、平民百姓……这些照片现存纽约国际摄影中心。本文介绍的绝版黑皮书《罗伯特·卡帕》,收录了卡帕在中国武汉、汉口、徐州、郑州等地拍摄的5幅照片(图22、23、24、25、26),在这本总共69张照片的摄影书中已经是极大的比例。
罗伯特·卡帕(Robert Capa,1913—1954),匈牙利裔美国籍摄影记者,20世纪最伟大的战地摄影记者,不需要之一。
卡帕原名安德鲁·弗里德曼(André Friedmann),生于奥匈帝国时期的布达佩斯的一个犹太家庭。最初他的理想是当一名作家,后来喜欢上了摄影。由于纳粹的排犹,1933年卡帕移居法国,从此以女友给他起的名字罗伯特·卡帕发表摄影作品。cápa是匈牙利词汇,意思是鲨鱼。
卡帕最辉煌的经历莫过于1944年6月6日“D日”参与诺曼底登陆。D日当天,他成为了唯一一位随第一批登陆部队参加诺曼底登陆作战的摄影记者。他携带2部康泰克斯2型(Contax II)相机、50mm镜头和数卷胶片随军在奥马哈海滩抢滩。在第一次为时30分钟的战斗冲锋中,卡帕拍摄了106张底片。然而再回到伦敦的暗房冲洗时,工作人员的失误毁掉了绝大多数底片,经过一番努力,抢救出了其中的11张。《生活》杂志于1944年6月19日刊出了其中的10张照片,并在图中注脚“稍微失焦”,以此解释说由于卡帕当时过于激动导致了手部抖动,从而影响了拍摄,而卡帕本人对此却并不承认。战后卡帕将回忆传记以此命名。
黑皮书《罗伯特·卡帕》收录了卡帕的诸多名作,和拍摄于法国、西班牙、墨西哥、中国、美国、意大利等地的经典作品。本次介绍的是2008年ACTES SUD版本,共69张照片,比之前推送过的版本多出6张摄影作品和1张卡帕的肖像照。倒数第二幅即卡帕牺牲前的绝作(黑白版)。照片标题使用了更详细的英文,非书中法文标题。
1.DENMARK. Copenhagen. November 27th, 1932. Leon Trotsky lecturing.
2.FRANCE. Paris. October 1936. Man and boy at Popular Front (Front Populaire) rally.
3.FRANCE. Paris. July 14th, 1936.
4.FRANCE. Paris. 1936. Spring. Curb traders outside the stock exchange.
5.FRANCE. Paris. May 1st, 1937. May Day celebrations.
6.FRANCE. Paris. Champs ElysŽes. November 11th, 1936.
7.FRANCE. Verdun. July 12th, 1936.
9.SPAIN. Montblanch, near Barcelona. October 25th, 1938.
10.SPAIN. Barcelona. January 13, 1939.
11.SPAIN. Madrid. 1936.
12.SPAIN. December 21st, 1937. Aragon front. Battle of Teruel. (From the Mexican Suitcase)
13.SPAIN. Córdoba front. Early September, 1936. Death of a loyalist militiaman.
14.SPAIN. November 7th, 1938.
15.MEXICO. 7th of July. The first man to be assassinated.
17.SPAIN. Bilbao. May 1937. Crowds running for shelter as the air-raid alarm sounds.
18.SPAIN. Bilbao. May 1937. Basque region. Running for shelter during the air raids.
19.SPAIN. Madrid. November-December, 1936.
20.SPAIN. Barcelona. 1938.
21.FRANCE. March 1939.
22.CHINA. Near the Xuzhou front. April, 1938. Train overflowing with passengers.
23.CHINA. Hubei. Hankou. March, 1938.
24.Near Zhengzhou. 1938.
25.CHINA. Hubei. Hankou. July-September, 1938. After a Japanese air raid.
26.CHINA. Hankou. July-Sept, 1938. Civilian crouched in the ruins after the Japanese bombing.
27.FRANCE. Brittany. Pleybon. July 1939.
28.FRANCE. Brittany. Pleyben. July 1939.
29.USA. Calumet City, Illinois. December 1940.
31.ITALY. Near Troina, Sicily. August, 1943. The first American soldiers enter the town.
32.ITALY. Sicily. Monreale, just outside Palermo, July 1943. Civilians greeting the American troops.
33.Near Naples. September 30th, 1943.
34.ITALY. Near Troina. August, 1943.
35.ITALY. Naples. October 2, 1943.
36.October 2nd, 1943.
37.FRANCE. Normandy. June 6th, 1944. US troops assault Omaha Beach during the D-Day landings.
38.FRANCE. Normandy. June 6th, 1944. US troops assault Omaha Beach during the D-Day landings...
39.FRANCE. Normandy. June 6th, 1944. American troops landing on Omaha Beach, D-Day.
40.FRANCE. Normandy. June, 1944. French fishermen looking at the corpses of slain US soldiers on Omaha Beach.
41.FRANCE. Notre Dame de Cenilly. July 28th, 1944. A French farmer offers cider to American soldiers.
42.FRANCE. Near St. Lô. July 26th-30th, 1944. American soldiers with a group of recently captured German soldiers.
43.Paris. August 25th, 1944.
44.FRANCE. Eure-et-Loir. Chartres. August 18th 1944. After the liberation of the city, a group of collaborators had their hair shaved at police headquarters as a sign of humiliation.
45.FRANCE. Chartres. August 18th, 1944. French woman, who had had a baby by a Germany soldier, being marched home after being punished by having her head shaved.
46.FRANCE. Paris. August 26th, 1944. Members of the French Resistance marching through the liberated city.
47.FRANCE. Paris. 8th arrondissement. Champs-Elysées. August 26th, 1944. Members of the French Resistance and soldiers of the French Army celebrating the liberation of the city.
48.Paris. Crowds fill up the Champs Elysees on the 26th August 1944 to celebrate the liberation of Paris.
49.FRANCE. Paris. August 26th, 1944. General Charles de Gaulle leading the parade down the Avenue des Champs-Elysées to celebrate the liberation of the city.
50.Normandy. Alencon. August 12th, 1944. Civilians welcoming American troops just after the liberation.
51.GERMANY. Near Wesel. March 24th, 1945. American paratroopers landing in Germany.
52.BELGIUM. Near Bastogne. December 23rd-26th, 1944. US troops with German prisoners of war during the Battle of the Bulge.
53.GERMANY. Wesel. March 24th, 1945. A wounded American paratrooper receiving aid from a medic.
54.GERMANY. Near Wesel. March 24th, 1945. German farmers fleeing their home following American and British invasion.
55.Warsaw. October, 1948. Where the Jewish ghetto used to be.
56.GERMANY. Leipzig. April 18th, 1945.
57.GERMANY. Leipzig. April 18th, 1945.
58.GERMANY. Leipzig. April 18th, 1945.
59.GERMANY. Leipzig. April 18th, 1945. American soldiers engaged in a house to house fight against German troops.
60.SRAEL. Haifa. 1949. Man and woman carrying their belongings in sacks.
61.ISRAEL. Near Haifa. 1950. Child at the Sha'arHa'aliya transit camp for new immigrants
62.The Altalena burning, Tel Aviv, June 22, 1948
63.ISRAEL. Tel Aviv. 1948.
64.Galilee. Near Gedera (south of Tel Aviv). November-December, 1950.
65.VIETNAM. Nam Dinh. May 21, 1954. Women and children at graveside.
66.On the road from Namdinh to Thaibinh. May 25th, 1954. French military patrol.
67.INDOCHINA (VIETNAM). May, 1954. Motorcyclists and woman walking on the road from Nam Dinh to Thai Binh.
68.VIETNAM. May 25, 1954. On the road from Namdinh to Thaibinh. One of Capa's last pictures.
69.Robert Capa

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